A guide to implementing proactive cybersecurity measures

Running a business has always been a challenge, but the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape has made it even more so. Every day, newer, more sophisticated cyberthreats emerge, putting businesses at risk of significant data, productivity, and financial losses.

IoT in healthcare: Addressing security and privacy issues

From mobile apps that keep track of daily medication to smart operating room systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) is delivering greater convenience and functionality to healthcare practitioners and patients alike. However, the proliferation of IoT devices also brings new risks, vulnerabilities, and security challenges.

What does proactive cybersecurity entail?

Most managed IT services providers (MSPs) promise “proactive” cybersecurity consulting. All businesses embrace the idea of preventing cyberattacks and data breaches before they happen, and MSPs themselves would much rather brainstorm safeguards than troubleshoot time-sensitive downtime events.

Is the IoT a boon or a bane in healthcare?

The rule of cybersecurity states that anything that connects to the internet can be hacked. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry, every business should be on alert.

Devices that contain a treasure trove of patient data are attractive targets for cybercriminals.