Make site visitors feel secure with these tips

Don’t give your customers any reason to feel insecure when dealing with your business. When they visit and use your website, you must engender feelings of trust and security instead of alarm and distrust. Don’t worry — you can easily do this with these three tips.

Two excellent ways to verify user identity

A secure login process is an excellent way to protect your business from cybercriminals.
When it comes to verifying user identity, you can choose between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. Learn the difference between the two so you can have a better appreciation of your cybersecurity options.

The basics on 2-step and 2-factor authentication

Cybersecurity is a vital component to businesses these days. You need to make sure that criminals cannot just hack into your network. When it comes to verifying users’ identity, there are two types of authentication used: two-step and two-factor. These two are so similar, many confuse one with the other.