Monitor your business with Google Alerts

You can keep tabs on your business online and in real time using Google Alerts, a free and easy- to-use content change detection and notification service. You can even use this tool to monitor your competitors. Read on to learn how it can help you.
What is Google Alerts?
Google Alerts allows you to monitor the web for interesting new content on topics of interest to your business.

Tips on how to best use G Suite

G Suite is Google’s powerful productivity and collaboration platform. The suite includes popular Google apps like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, chat and video-conferencing apps, and so on. Many people are already familiar with these apps, but even those who use it every day may benefit from learning a trick or two on how to further maximize G Suite apps.

5 Reasons to use Google Data Studio now

Google is well known for its powerful search engine, but did you know it also offers intuitive business intelligence tools? Google Data Studio is one of the tools in the Google Analytics 360 Suite, and many companies are already raving about it.

What is Google Data Studio?
Google Data Studio is a data visualization tool that enables you to turn raw data into detailed and digestible reports.

Google Chrome: New money-saving alert

Over the years, Google Chrome has had several versions, with each one providing new benefits to users. In December, Google will launch the 71st version of Chrome, introducing a money-saving feature to users. How will it do that?
The money-saving warning
The Google Chrome update aims to protect users from websites with “insufficient mobile subscription information.

Boost productivity with machine learning

Ever wonder why Google goes through all the trouble of remembering your searches and online shopping history? It’s not only for the company’s benefit, but also to make tasks and scheduling easy for you. By predicting work patterns and files that you are more likely to use, something called machine learning boosts your productivity.