Free And Confidential Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Reveals Where Your Company Is At High Risk To Ransomware,
Hackers And Other Devastating Cyber-Attacks

When this 100% confidential Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • If you and your employees’ credentials, passwords and private information are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee they are, and the information we dig up will shock you).
  • IF your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees.
  • IF your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed would NOT survive a ransomware attack.
  • IF your IT systems, backup and data handling meet strict compliance requirements for data protection.

You will also receive a customized “Total Potential Liability Report” that reveals a dollar figure of your liability based on the type of data you have and the vulnerabilities we find.

Don’t wait to find out the hard way! Please remember that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.


About Us

Like many companies, CG Tech Services began as a one-man show. Founder Eugene Hastey had worked at the University of Washington’s Network Operations Center, before moving to Avanade where he worked as Systems Engineer, training consultants around the globe on how to deploy and migrate large companies to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange 2003.

After working at Avanade, Eugene took a position at Microsoft. But somehow it didn’t feel right. While these large corporations offered excellent opportunities to rapidly gain experience and technical know-how on the latest technologies, Eugene was missing something important: a direct connection with customers.

So he made a change. He began working as the IT Director for a small non-profit company called Arts Corps. This amazing organization allowed Eugene the flexibility to slowly grow his independent computer consulting business while he revamped their office computer systems. As his work at Arts Corps reached completion, his independent consulting business grew and he was ready to create CGBdesign, now CG Tech Services, Inc., in Fall 2004.

Thanks to positive word-of-mouth, business steadily prospered. The one-man company grew into a client-focused group of technology specialists who share a common interest: collaborating with clients to create technology solutions that truly fit their business needs.

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To Claim Your FREE
Cyber Security Assessment


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See What Our Clients Are Saying

You Were There For Me

I wanted you to know how great your service and people are. When issues…on Friday which resulted in my system totally crashing, you were there for me. I really appreciate it. THANK YOU ALL!!!!

Lori Kaufman
Co-Founder and CEO
Kaufman Kampe Advisors, Mercer Island

You Are The Best

Thank you very much for your time and assistance today. You are the best!

Jennifer Chalaire
VP of Supervision
Pacific Financial Partners, Hawaii

A Smooth And Successful Endeavor

Thanks so much for your efforts to make our office move a smooth and successful endeavor. I really appreciate your hard work and value our relationship!

Steve Meyer
Fedelta Home Care, Seattle