Laptops are prized for their small size, manageable weight, and handiness, but they don’t lag behind desktop computers in terms of performance either. Higher-end laptops, in particular, are just as capable of handling heavy apps and complex tasks as their bulkier desktop counterparts.
Get the most out of your new laptop with these tips
Let Office 365 help you save the date
Arranging meetings that work with everyone’s schedules is a pain — especially if participants don’t work in your office. A calendar that is easy to share publicly simplifies everything from scheduling calls with clients to quarterly meetings with business partners.
Boost your new laptop in 5 steps
Laptops may not be the most powerful computers, but the benefits they provide are undisputable. For one thing, they deliver a similar user experience as your huge desktop PC, but much more conveniently and affordably. But before you reap their many benefits, here are five steps you should take before using them to improve their performance.
Secure your Mac computer in 6 easy ways
If you’re a Mac user, data privacy and security should be your #1 priority. Without the right security measures, you’re inviting cybercriminals to steal your critical data. Are you willing to take the risk? Secure your computer and fortify your defenses with these six tips.