If your PC has been struggling to perform all the tasks you have at hand, we completely understand why you would be itching for a new one. But even if it’s old, sluggish, and always crashing, your old desktop or laptop may still prove to be useful.
What can you do with an old PC?
Great uses for an old computer
It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to replace your computer. But while it may not be as fast as when you first got it or as sleek as your new computer, your old desktop or laptop might still have a lot to offer— after upgrading it a little, that is.
Running Windows on Macs through VMs
If you own an Apple computer, you might think it’s impossible to install Windows-based software on it. But with operating system (OS) virtualization, you can run any application you want and enjoy exciting new cross-platform features.
Configure an entire machine with a few clicks
With programs like VMware and Parallels, installing Microsoft’s OS on your Mac is almost as easy as creating a new document in Office.