About Us
There’s nothing like a business supported by an intelligently designed, well-integrated IT infrastructure. Tasks get completed. Deals get sealed. Business takes off. And when the infrastructure is built using eco-minded technology and practices, it only gets better. At CG Tech Services, Inc., we are ready to help you design an IT infrastructure that works beautifully for you—one that’s suits your business now, and can adapt and expand as your organization grows.
About Eugene Hastey
Like many companies, CG Tech Services began as a one-man show. Founder Eugene Hastey had worked at the University of Washington’s Network Operations Center, before moving to Avanade where he worked as Systems Engineer, training consultants around the globe on how to deploy and migrate large companies to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange 2003.
After working at Avanade for several years, Eugene took a position at Microsoft. But somehow it didn’t feel right. While these large corporations offered excellent opportunities to rapidly gain experience and technical know-how on the latest technologies, Eugene was missing something important: a direct connection with customers.
So he made a change. He began working as the IT Director for a small non-profit company called Arts Corps. This amazing organization allowed Eugene the flexibility to slowly grow his independent computer consulting business while he revamped their office computer systems. As his work at Arts Corps reached completion, his independent consulting business grew and he was ready to create CGBdesign, now CG Tech Services, Inc., in Fall 2004.
Thanks to positive word-of-mouth, business steadily prospered. The one-man company grew into a customer-focused group of technology specialists who share a common interest: collaborating with customers to create technology solutions that truly fit their business needs.